About Amber

Amber is a MSc Nutrition and Behaviour student at Bournemouth University and with a keen interest and personal experience in chronic pain her experience has driven her to help individuals in a similar circumstance.

In her professional practice, Amber works with individuals to help manage their chronic pain and develop an understanding of the diet and symptom relationship.

Personal journey

During Amber’s teenage years she struggled with body image and an eating disorder. Which led to many years of battling recovery, weight gain and fear foods. In recovery she learnt about the importance of nourishing food, balance and mindfulness. Which led her to find a Bsc course in nutrition at Bournemouth University. Even though she does not provide eating disorder support, she understands the challenges with food and personal journeys. Today she is recovered and works towards promoting a positive attitude towards all food groups. She believes all food should be enjoyed!

Fibromyalgia and chronic pain

Triggered by food poisoning whilst on placement in Indonesia, in 2023 Amber was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. A chronic pain illness that causes pain, fatigue and many other symptoms. Balancing this new illness diagnosis and flare ups during her final year at university led her to using food as a way to manage her symptoms.

As a Registered Associate Nutritionist, Amber is driven to promote that a life-long condition does not mean your goals cannot be met. She believes that one of the ways to manage your symptoms is through food and practices it herself. This personal experience with chronic pain drives her passion for helping others learn ways to manage their symptoms and improve their well-being. She aims to provide personalised guidance that will not add stress or take too many ‘spoons’.